Sunday, November 30, 2014

Forbidden By Kimberley Griffiths Little

Let me just say that upon finishing this book last night, I couldn't stop thinking about the pain I was feeling. Not that the book was over, but what was within. Ms. Griffiths Little, you really really know how to churn and tear up someone's insides.

I'm not a romance fan and despite this book being a 'romance novel' I read it anyways intrigued by the idea of Mesopotamia and the whole concept of desert life. It was truly a unique idea to write a book on such things, a stretch from usual books of today and I LOVE it.

So the main character is Jayden and this girl, poor thing, is flung with constant strife and pain throughout the entire length of the story. When you feel like there's a dull moment or some peace for once you know something tragic is about to happen. So! The book begins with Jayden's life on the verge of change, her betrothal to Horeb her tribe clan's leader's son, and as if she thinks her life can't get any worse marrying this boy, it gets infinitely worse when her mother dies giving birth to twins, a long awaited son and a daughter. Mother and male child die, while the baby girl, Sahmril survives only for matters to worsen yet when Jayden has to give up her little sister for the infant's own survival to a woman by the name of Dinah who can nurse the child. And guys, this is just the BEGINNING, matters get worse and worse for Jayden as her journey unravels and each time something intense happens you as a reader literally feel the anguish Jayden is feeling.


Instense, intense is all I can say for this.

The love interest is Kadesh, from a location far far away from Jayden's tribe and his family is all mysterious and alluring to Jayden. Duh we all know what happens when another male is introduced into a book, he's going to be the dude the girl fawns over and so that was the case. Like I said I have no interest in romance, so for me I was like 'okay.' I have to say though this book wasn't primarily all on the romance aspect of the book Ms. Griffiths Little focused on other ideas which was exactly what I was looking for! A book can't all be love and gushiness, there was to action, adventure, something to envelop the reader and plunge them into the story as well! Ma'am you did just that and I applaud you for it!

Some people will fall for the idea of the romance, some like me will love it for the constant gripping of the seat and stirring of emotions and feelings.

Oh yeah and some of the characters you just what to strangle, cough cough Dinah cough cough Leila, Jayden's sister, cough.

But hey! What's a book without annoying people! I mean life doesn't spare you from them!

Oh man how could I forget you want to strangle Horeb! Well actually I probably didn't mention strangling him because you sorta want to do something more destructive to him, be imaginative!

Yeah so Leila is Jayden's sister and she clearly seems not to care about anyone but herself. Here you have her younger sister's mind split in a million places worrying for her infant sister Sahmril whose far away, worrying for Kadesh, worrying for her father and grandmother, worrying constantly for things that aren't even under her control! And here you have little Miss. Priss who only wants to prance away from all the worries and strifes of the desert for her own pleasure. I mean what kind of a sister says that 'oh Sahmril is doomed, she's going to die, don't worry about her.' SERIOUSLY!? BLEEP YOU! Even so Jayden continues to worry and care for her sister trying to call her back to desert life when Leila is trying to set herself up in a brothel! The older sister is supposed to worry so furiously for the younger siblings, but clearly roles have changed as Jayden's got it all on her shoulders as if she doesn't have any other worries!

Jayden certainly has something of loyalty and love in her and that is her most respectable trait which makes her Jayden, daughter of Pharez of the tribe Nephish.

Oh might I also say that this book isn't just something to admire because of the story, but also because of the intensive research and history implied to make it come alive! Most people may not consider or realize that, but Ms. Griffiths Little clearly studied up her stuff before bringing her book out into the world and I respect that more than anyone could know! There was hard work inputted surely in writing and keeping it true to the facts of this time period.
Forbbiden is certainly something to talk about, well rant and fume about in the best of ways! Try it out!
Firesword3000 (Noob Number One)

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