Monday, September 22, 2014

Burned By Valarie Plame

I'm one to read a lot of fantasy books so perhaps that's a reason why I just wasn't all for this. I was bored throughout the entirety of the book, it was all just so much talk and near to no action. I LOVE action! I mean that's the reason I decided to even read this. I was trudging my way through the entirety of the book, forcing myself to finish so that I could review it fully and perhaps incase something exciting did go down! The characters were nothing really special, I couldn't relate to any of them, I doubt anyone who was reading it could. The main character wasn't all that epic in my opinion, I didn't feel like she did much or enough, but that might just be me.

There was diversity amongst the characters which I liked, but I feel like they didn't embody all that much of their own cultures which I'd have liked a lot more. What really really irked me was that the 'villains' (the terrorist group) in the book were 'Muslim.' That got me really annoyed, almost to the point I stopped reading. I understand that there's a lot of horrendous things going on in the world, but to consider the villains in the book 'Muslim' isn't right because their not. That's not what Islam is. Their just calling themselves 'Muslim' and expecting that their actions are in the name of God. What kind of God would appreciate or accept such terrible wrongdoings. I would hope no God would! One or two of the characters were supposedly Muslim so I mean are they terrorists too or something? Uh no, so simply consider the terrorist group extremist and be done.

I honestly wish this book had been thrilling considering it was considered a thriller and there was absolutely no point in this book where I was even near thrilled. I wish there had been action, I really hoped for it, perhaps then my opinion may have been different.

(Firesword3000) Noob Number 1 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Heir of Fire By Sarah J Maas

As a starter I am obsessed with the Throne of Glass series so there's a heads up to all!

Honestly, when I saw the reviews for Heir of Fire saying 'oh it's heartbreaking and gutwrenching' I was like phssshaaawww man how much more gutwrenching and heartbreaking can you get than Crown of Midnight!?

I was mistaken...

I rarely rarely cry and even more so over books, but this book had tears streaming down my face (I didn't bawl, it was just soundless tears) IT GOT ME IN THE FEELS! RIGHT IN THE FEELS!

I really liked the new characters that Sarah introduced, Aedion and Rowan that is. I mean Dorian, Celaena, and Chaol are all being painted and fleshed out book by book, but these two she's been able to capture them both so well within one book and that just shows an awesome writer!

Aedion at first was such a bleeeeeeeeeeep (I always find those kind of characters the most riveting) but obviously anyone in the Throne of Glass series has got to have a secret! DUHHHH! I'm a hater of spoilers so I won't say anything, but as you get to know his motivations and intentions more along the book you appreciate him. That's what I find so captivating about him and I began to like him even more! But man there's just so much about him that have you cursing yourself for ever doubting him in the first place (no I didn't doubt him, I loved the guy from the start)
Rowan is a faery man with clearly a dark past. He 'helps' Celaena along the way and it's really rocky at first, and I mean really rocky. But Oh. My. God. They're relationship grows into the most amazing friendship I have ever, EVER seen by far! I doubt anything would EVER compare! He pushed her so hard in the beginning and continued to along the way, but began to soften (barely) just to let her in as a friend.

We see so much more of Celaena and knowing all that she's been through over the past few books this one just delves further into her past and her deepest regrets. There's this extraordinary scene in the book near the end where she sees all the people she's lost and they all tell her to 'get up.' Oh Lord I was just lost for words, what an extraordinary heartfelt scene.

Sarah just makes the feels and anticipation and anguish for her readers go from 0 to 60. This woman is a genius, she knows how to work her audiences and I LOVE that!

Dorian's got magic as we know but I feel like he was a little neglected in this. Some people were like 'oh there's more Dorian in this book' not enough for me :p I don't know, I just would have liked to see him practice his magic more, Celaena was throughout most of the book, she's the main character like main main and that's the reason why, but that could have been a little bonus for me.

Manon is cool, I love dragons, so when she is introduced to Abraxos, her wyvern that was close enough to a fire breathing overgrown lizard for me. She's cool, and I love the relationship between her and Abraxos, it's one that grows just like the unconditional love between a girl or guy and their trusty dog, but a witch and her wyvern is a whole few levels up! There's a few questions I've got about her. Is she good or evil? There's a few points that arose near the end of the book and even in the beginning I wondered how it could be possible for anyone to be 'heartless' I couldn't grip that, but near the end her missing heart was questioned. Perhaps it does exist. And that is one journey I'm booked to see, uh read.

I really don't want to spoil anything, but I want to so badly because honestly some scenes were soooooooo gripping that I was just burning through the pages and commenting aloud every five seconds.


I need book four, like NOW.

You know those times you're not crying, your bawling but it's not tears or real crying it's just whinging and whining pathetically, that's me at every step of the way with Throne of Glass. Extremely unattractive. But that's me.

Firesword3000 (Noob Number 1)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Falconer by Elizabeth May

What struck me when I began to read was the usage of first person narrative. I personally enjoy the point of views directly from the character, adds a bit of spunk and more of a connection with the character.

I literally have no words…

I really like A-hold on while I try and spell her name correctly -Aileana? YASSS I GOT IT! She’s a cool gurrlll man, I liked her on instant which for me is hard because I’m so picky with female characters nowadays. I mean some authors try to make the lead seem like she’s the boss and what not but really eh not so much that. Aileana has the strength and strives her hardest to bring out her best, she doesn’t doubt herself which I like and the fact that she’s got that darkness in her that she’s aware of makes her more intriguing. She knows what she’s left behind and she doesn’t dwell on that factor too much, she’s haunted but honestly given the terrible situation the girl had to face I’m not surprised, but she deals well with what she has to face. I applaud her for that.

Oh my gosh Derrick! Our honey loving friend! There’s only been two occasions, one being a book I read a year or so ago and another TV show I watched as a kid, that there was a little unearthy creature friend alongside the hero or heroine. He gives all the humor and love to the book, he’s the whipped cream on top of the ice cream—I’d say cherry but those nasty cherries they put on my perfectly good ice cream are nasty! You know I’d love a little pixie now that I think about it. He’s got a big heart, you see it all there, and I love how he hates Kieran, and stands up for Aileana threatening to eat hearts and ears. I mean what’s worse of a threat than eating body parts?

Kieran…..let me gather my thoughts they’re all floating around everywhere. The man-excuse me he’s not a man! He’s a dao—I need spell check to stop fixing this—I’ll just say fae. Does that make sense? He’s a fae? He’s part of the fae? Faery. I don’t know I’m honestly no fae expert. Previous to reading this book I saw fae as little pixies and nice creatures, boy was I wrong. Now I can certainly say I like this fae business! So thanks Miss. Elizabeth May for introducing me! Miss? Ms? I'm not sure.
Anyhoooo back to Kieran, he’s relentless and cruel in teaching Aileana, but I personally believe if you want to be the best you’re going to need to take a few bruises and batters, how are you going to learn? He trains her hardcore for the battlefield and prepares her for the dangers that he’s aware lie ahead of her. Good man, good man—uh fae man, faery man.

Gavin. He’s a cool guy, certainly. And the fact he’s the one who learns of Aileana’s secret first and volunteers to help and does all that he does for Aileana really shows what a good friend he is. His sister, same! I honestly wonder how the kids are so great when their mother is a bleep nugget. A world wonder. I’m sure there’s a pretty good explanation behind that. SECRETS, SECRETS, MORE SECRETS. I love twists and turns.

What I’d like to see is Aileana and Catherine’s relationship a bit more. Aileana clearly loves the girl to have kept her secret from her in order for her protection and for her to eventually reveal it! And the fact she never prods and questions what Aileana is secretly doing or where she’s going really shows the trust between them both.
What I really loved about this book was there was absolutely no slow moments! I whizzed through it, not once bored and believe me I am one with low attention span when it comes to a few minor things. So thumbs up, two thumbs up!
Yessir, yes ma'am I recommend this!
Firesword3000 (Noob Number 1) 


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Teen Wolf Recap Episode 11: A Promise to the Dead.

Yes this title of the episode is a bit....promising. but is a recap about what happened in teen wolf season four in the eleventh episode.

Malia and Stiles seem to get along a lot better than expected. Even though they are boyfriend/girlfriend, they have some huge major differences. One is a major human spaz meanwhile Malia is a werewolf. The funniest part of the scene between Stiles and Malia is when his father comes into the room and declares that they are not in debt anymore, since Lydia and Stiles were nearly killed by a employee. So the father wants to take them out to dinner, and when he asked Malia what she likes to eat she quickly responds: "Deer!" Well that question didn't seem rhetorical enough, pizza was to die for during the show.

Scott's mom finally realizes that he has been keeping tons of cash under his bed. But mother dear, money does make the world go round, and money does make happiness, well sort. However this family doesn't have a money tree to control. Scott tells his mother that they don't need to struggle anymore, this money could provide them a new roof, and it could help solve all their problems. However his mother tells the audience that every family has its struggles, point proven. So Scott eventually ventures over to Derek to give over the money, but Derek declines. Scott works minim wage at the vet, so he could keep the money. Derek's vault is underneath their own two feet.

The doctor who happens to work at the  vet seems to be calm in comatose, well at least so i thought. he was not responding to any stimuli, but don't worry there is always a banshee to the rescue. Lydia will give him a good nice wake up screaming of course.

Chris Argent finally located his sister Kate and her creppy side-kicks. However he encountered not his sister, but a very passive Peter instead. Peter promised not to kill Chris, however he did stick a medal into his body.

 the new werewolf is having his best friend over for a video game. This guy seems to be scared of the beserkers that he last fought, and he wants company. well we all know that misery loves company, or misery bleeds, whatever. The new werewolf can't sleep. he is so afraid to turn off his night light. however he keeps imagining the monsters with the skull mask.

Looks like Scott will be missing out his lacrosse game. he really enjoys his new girlfriends company, Kira. So they have a a movie date in until she starts to think about something else, and they start making out on the couch. Not until Kate Argent and her Beserkers ruin the plan by coming throughout the two windows with shards of glass flying behind them. They literally beat Kira and Scott until Scott begins to ask what does Kate want. She wants her prayers to be answered. What is so damn important about Scott Mcqual? And guess where they end up......................................................... MEXICO! That place should really look familiar to our Teen Wolf fan girls out there.

Meanwhile Peter and Malia talk it out during a lacrosse game. How sweet! Nothing wrong with a daddy-daughter talk. Peter will give her the information about her mother, but she has to do something for him. Malia needs to kill Kate Argent first.

So....Scott and Kira are both locked far far away, well just a little out of the States. Scott is seriously straddled down with straps until Kate takes a bezerk mask and puts it onto Scotts face. Well if she just want to make Scott go bezerk, she could have just done so. There is no reason to chain up an fearsome Alpha.

Well that is all for now. STAY TUNED!        

Maggie (Noob Number 2)