Thursday, September 11, 2014

Heir of Fire By Sarah J Maas

As a starter I am obsessed with the Throne of Glass series so there's a heads up to all!

Honestly, when I saw the reviews for Heir of Fire saying 'oh it's heartbreaking and gutwrenching' I was like phssshaaawww man how much more gutwrenching and heartbreaking can you get than Crown of Midnight!?

I was mistaken...

I rarely rarely cry and even more so over books, but this book had tears streaming down my face (I didn't bawl, it was just soundless tears) IT GOT ME IN THE FEELS! RIGHT IN THE FEELS!

I really liked the new characters that Sarah introduced, Aedion and Rowan that is. I mean Dorian, Celaena, and Chaol are all being painted and fleshed out book by book, but these two she's been able to capture them both so well within one book and that just shows an awesome writer!

Aedion at first was such a bleeeeeeeeeeep (I always find those kind of characters the most riveting) but obviously anyone in the Throne of Glass series has got to have a secret! DUHHHH! I'm a hater of spoilers so I won't say anything, but as you get to know his motivations and intentions more along the book you appreciate him. That's what I find so captivating about him and I began to like him even more! But man there's just so much about him that have you cursing yourself for ever doubting him in the first place (no I didn't doubt him, I loved the guy from the start)
Rowan is a faery man with clearly a dark past. He 'helps' Celaena along the way and it's really rocky at first, and I mean really rocky. But Oh. My. God. They're relationship grows into the most amazing friendship I have ever, EVER seen by far! I doubt anything would EVER compare! He pushed her so hard in the beginning and continued to along the way, but began to soften (barely) just to let her in as a friend.

We see so much more of Celaena and knowing all that she's been through over the past few books this one just delves further into her past and her deepest regrets. There's this extraordinary scene in the book near the end where she sees all the people she's lost and they all tell her to 'get up.' Oh Lord I was just lost for words, what an extraordinary heartfelt scene.

Sarah just makes the feels and anticipation and anguish for her readers go from 0 to 60. This woman is a genius, she knows how to work her audiences and I LOVE that!

Dorian's got magic as we know but I feel like he was a little neglected in this. Some people were like 'oh there's more Dorian in this book' not enough for me :p I don't know, I just would have liked to see him practice his magic more, Celaena was throughout most of the book, she's the main character like main main and that's the reason why, but that could have been a little bonus for me.

Manon is cool, I love dragons, so when she is introduced to Abraxos, her wyvern that was close enough to a fire breathing overgrown lizard for me. She's cool, and I love the relationship between her and Abraxos, it's one that grows just like the unconditional love between a girl or guy and their trusty dog, but a witch and her wyvern is a whole few levels up! There's a few questions I've got about her. Is she good or evil? There's a few points that arose near the end of the book and even in the beginning I wondered how it could be possible for anyone to be 'heartless' I couldn't grip that, but near the end her missing heart was questioned. Perhaps it does exist. And that is one journey I'm booked to see, uh read.

I really don't want to spoil anything, but I want to so badly because honestly some scenes were soooooooo gripping that I was just burning through the pages and commenting aloud every five seconds.


I need book four, like NOW.

You know those times you're not crying, your bawling but it's not tears or real crying it's just whinging and whining pathetically, that's me at every step of the way with Throne of Glass. Extremely unattractive. But that's me.

Firesword3000 (Noob Number 1)

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